Monday, 11 March 2013


As means of an update, we were lifted off the ice today by Joe and Peter on skidoos. We are now sat back in Resolute Bay and licking our 'metaphoric' wounds. The easy decision today would have been to carry on, the hard decision was to say thats if for this year. We would both rather complete the journey (and we will complete both planned trips) with all our digits intact, than wear the loss of a digit as a macabre badge of honour.

Now is the time to recock our kit, take stock and start to replan. Our thanks again to both Joe and Peter for an interesting ride back and to Peter for his lesson on Polar Bears over coffee tonight. We must also thank Silas and Andrew for their help this morning in arranging the pick-up.

We will write more in the coming days.

Matt and Kev


  1. V sorry it didnt go to plan. There will be other opportunities I am sure. E

  2. Good decision lads. Heres to next time.

  3. Glad to hear you're both safe & well. Chins up till next time. The Boy!
