Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Day 1

An emotional first day with good mileage although an epic putting up the tent. The 3 hoop tent is now a 2 hoop tent. Not much more to write, as we are still getting into a routine, but we are both well.

The blogs will increase as we hit a routine, but then reduce as we push for the pole in a few weeks time!

Matt and Kev


  1. Hi Kev we were thinking of you last night while we were eating Mum's chocolate birthday cake in her warm living room!Keep safe both of you and keep an eye out for the golden arches. Enjoying the blogs.Love Mum,Jody,Chris,Craig & your 4 girls x

  2. Good luck Matt and Kev. Your goddaughter Niamh has told her head teacher about your adventures and as they are researching 'Explorers' this year you and Matt have been adopted and they will be following your exploits with close interest. Stay safe, best speed uncle Kev, don't forget your knee pads .... we are watching you!

  3. So Kev's eaten one of the tent poles on the first day, you are going to have to watch him Matt, it will be your boots next. Great to hear the experdition is on for real. Artic Foxes taste nice, but not as nice as Polar Bears hahahahahaha. John in Old Colwyn
