A colder day yesterday at around -16 with a wind-chill taking the temperature down, at times, to -27, which is still a long-way off the -40 we will experience in Resolute Bay and -60 on the ice.
We had one last job yesterday before leaving the city. We had to pick up one final essential item - some diet supplements that would help us digest the vast amounts of calories, and specifically fat, we will be eating. Whilst Matt was off sorting the supplements, I brought some face-cream to help retain my youthful looks whilst on the ice.
With the supplements, the polar pate, truffles and a vehicle full of clothing and equipment we left Ottawa behind and headed to a place called Trenton (about a 3 hour drive). On arrival we quickly realised that not only were we in a “one horse town” but we had also commenced the inevitable decline in luxury and comfort - we checked in to the local Travelodge, an even more basic, and rustic version of a UK Travelodge, although unlike in Ottawa at least it had free WiFi.
Although basic, the Travelodge, is completely adequate for 2 nights - essentially our last 2 nights in civilisation before heading to Resolute Bay, which; has a population of about 230 people, is (as you might expect) currently in 24hrs of darkness, has no mobile phone reception, and no booze!!! We have a full day here today meeting people on the base and getting ready for our very early flight North on tomorrow morning……..while the comforts decline, the anxiety builds.
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