Thursday, 17 February 2011

Learning not to sweat

We continued to sort clothing and equipment this morning.  The amount of tinkering, altering, cleaning and adjusting to do is unbelievable.  We also spent time working through the communications to ensure we were both completely happy with the system and general communication routine.  We also made sure that the pager now works - which is does thanks to the help of Reece Pitts from Iridium and AST.

We had lunch and then headed out to pick-up a pair of skis being loaned to us by Richard Weber until the new bindings arrive.  We confirmed today that the new bindings were passed to Fedex in Southern Quebec and so should be with us in 2 days.  So again its thanks to Richard Weber for his help - his continued support has been outstanding.

This afternoon we headed out and walked up the large hill (which the locals called the mountain) that overlooks Resolute Bay.  Our aim was to take in the view from the top but also to pace ourselves, keeping the pace slow and steady, to ensure that we didn’t sweat, something Matt and I are yet to manage whilst training here.  By walking really slowly, and constantly checking ourselves, and by using the vents in our jackets we managed to generate enough heat to stay warm but not sweat, now all we need to do is the same while pulling the sleds.

The remainder of the evening was spent tinkering and packing kit and trying to find something to watch on the local TV.

The view across the Resolute Bay

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