Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Expedition Communications in a plug and play world - Matt

In a world where computers and communication devices seem to work from the box, expedition communications appear very dated (and require patience - something I lack at the best of times). I am sat typing this out (albeit using a stylus so please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors) on an old looking HP iPAQ, on a Word template which I will then cut and paste into the Contact5 software. This will then be sent as a data packet across the Iridium network. Given our IT 'biffery' we will need to do this to both the Blogger site (via email) and to the expedition website via the Contact5 dispatch system. This will then in turn ensure that people will know how we are doing - well that's the plan. It also means the Blogger site will update Facebook and Twitter.

So the upshot is if you are reading this the system has all worked - I will have managed to get everything connected and working. You can also now look forward to more regular posts as the start of the expedition draws closer.

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